Thu, 14 November 2002

AmphetaFrames 0.1 (Releases)

Download this version:

The AmphetaFrames templates allow you to change the look of, and the way you interact with AmphetaDesk 0.93.1. Instead of having a single big page with all your channels that you have to scroll down, AmphetaFrames splits your browser window up into several frames. The main left-hand frame shows a list of your channels. Click on one of these, and the channel will be displayed in the main right-hand frame. If you have used Outlook (Express) or a news aggregator like NetNewsWire or FeedReader, then this kind of interaction will be familiar to you.

Please note that at this stage (version 0.1) these templates are still in a very primitive state. They probably will run reasonably well, but I haven't done enough testing and fine-tuning to guarantee a perfect experience. As such, I would recommend that you only install them if you understand the way AmphetaDesk works, and are comfortable with installing new template bits and pieces in general. If you have only just downloaded AmphetaDesk, and are hunting around for pretty new skins to try...this may not be for you just yet. (On the other hand, there's probably very little you can do with these templates that a re-install of AmphetaDesk won't fix.)


Screenshot of AmphetaFrames   Screenshot of AmphetaFrames

Installation instructions

  1. Download the latest version of the templates
  2. In your AmphetaDesk templates directory, rename the "Default" directory as something else (e.g. "Default_backup") just in case something goes wrong.
  3. Unzip the contents of the downloaded zip file into your Templates directory. It should create a new directory called "AmphetaFrames 0.1"
  4. Rename this new diretory as "Default"
  5. Refresh the AmphetaDesk page in your browser

Notes on this version:

First cut. The code is an unholy hack, and the resulting HTML looks like someone threw it up after a particularly nasty curry. But it works in Opera 6 and 7 (beta 1), Internet Explorer 6, and Mozilla 1.1 (all on Windows XP). It may well work on other platforms, but I haven't tested it on anything else yet. If you try running it on something else, please email me, or leave some comments here to let me know how bad it looks

posted by martin at 23:23 | Permalink | Comments & Trackbacks (2)

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