Barenaked Gaahghgg

As I was checking my news over breakfast this morning, I noticed a new post on the Barenaked Ladies Blog:

“The tour in the UK was great–it was very nice to be back after over three years to a place we once knew so well.”

Splutter. Diet caffeinated beverage all over the screen. Excuse me? The BNL were over in the UK on tour for the first time in three years AND I MISSED IT?

I use the RSS feed for their blog, but they have been silent since the beginning of April or so. When I last checked in on their message board (some time in March, I think?) to see if there was word of a UK tour, all the UK fans were still gnashing their teeth over the absence of plans. I’m subscribed to their email newsletter list, but I never received any notice of the tour dates. (Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever had anything from their mailing list, which makes me wonder about their list administration.)

They played Glasgow and Aberdeen last week (both within easy reach for me), and word is that they rocked. So please excuse me a moment while I swear.